The Top 10

These are the Top 10 Reasons Why Black Men Date White Women:

What does he need?

10. Friendship turns into attraction.
Attraction turns into friendship.
9. I'm happy.
We're happy.
8. I feel my freedom.
I feel my power.
7. We look good together.
We're hot.
6. I feel important.
I fit in.
5. I date white women because they really value black men.
If you are good to them, they will be good to you. I get alot of negative feedback from African American women. I'm not saying the nice ones don't exist but society is killing the niceness out of them. (See Discussion.)
4. Everyone does this.
What's the big deal? Why not?
3. Ain't Nobody's Business But My Own
I want people to leave me alone. Let me live a normal life.
2. I'm not in love.
This is just a fling. I'm having a good time, but I won't stay.
1. I'm not afraid of what other people think.
Don't look at the color.

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Black men date white women because they have grown up in a society that values white women more than black women. White woman are seen as more beautiful because of Eurocentric beauty standards that black women and other women of color cannot live up to. This is not that case for all black men who date outside of their race though.
